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My research project did not start with a question, it started with some interest. I wasn’t asking questions because I didn’t know anything about the topics I was researching, I just dove into them, which as a result developed questions that I would strive to answer through additional research. For example, while reading Responsible Company I first heard the name John Muir. Chouinard described him doing some awesome so I decided to give him a look on google. The next day while I was at a bookstore I bought one of his books, read it, and fell in love. If I hadn’t decided to look up his name, my life would be completely different. I am thankful for this project, having a year to develop questions, and answer them on my own. I have learned so much about biology, religion, physics, business, survival, spirituality, and, most importantly, myself. If I could go back and fill in my beginning of the year research question I would ask, ‘What do you want to know more about?’. My capstone was more or less me chasing completely random topics that all caught my attention in different ways. They all have similarities, but for the life of me I can’t find a way to usefully connect them. Perhaps most importantly, from this project I learned what I want to do during college. I will be studying environmental science and arboriculture, because of this project. Mr, Inouye, I can’t thank you enough for all the freedom you gave me for this project. It lead to an amazing experience that, I think, all teachers should strive to provide their students



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